Monday, May 31, 2010

A Day with Thomas the Train!

Last Friday we drove about an hour away to spend a "Day with Thomas the Train". Dominic is ob-sessed with trains and while we were showing him the website pictures he went nuts yelling "CHOOO CHOOO"!!! We knew this was something he was going to really enjoy!

Dominic in the Imagination Station. They had lots of train tables set up for the kids to play at. It was a tough choice for Dom to decide which table he liked best-so he played a little at all of them!!

We decided to play for a bit while waiting for Thomas to arrive. This is the exact moment that Dominic saw Thomas coming around the bend. He was yelling CHOO CHOO at Lou!

Dominic & I getting ready to board Thomas for our 35 minute train ride!! :) The guy taking pictures refused to take a family photo with my camera so Lou took our picture.
The train ride was so neat! The conductor came by and punched our tickets too! They also had music and story telling. Each train car was decorated with all sorts of Thomas decor, balloons and streamers. I couldn't help but try to imagine I was heading for Hogwarts like in Harry Potter haha!
It's hard to keep a toddler still when there are balloons and kids everywhere-so we went with the fail proof snack! After our ride we picked up a Thomas tee shirt and balloon as souvenirs! I hope this is something we can do again! :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

18 months!

Can you believe this little bugger is 18 months already? He was officially 18 months on May 13th, but I'm just getting around to post. Dominic amazes me every single day. He can understand so much and everyday is a new adventure. His new favorite phrase is "uh-oh" which he says ALL THE TIME! He drops things purposely just to say it. He is also a wiz at every puzzle in our house, and I'm currently looking for new ones to challenge him a bit. He's now in the 75th percentile in height, weight and head circumference. He's growing like a weed and loves everything-especially if he can dip it in ketchup!! We have been going out to eat a lot more at restaurants and Dominic loves to wave hi and bye to everyone. He flirts with the waitresses and babbles to nearby tables. I could write forever on all that this wonder kid can do, and tomorrow I would probably have 20 more amazing things that Dom discovered and learned. I attempted to get an 18 month picture with his Pooh Bear but it's tougher than I thought to keep a toddler still!! Enjoy!



Love, Lou*Brooke*Dominic*TJ & Sadie!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Life in pictures

Dominic and his sneaky smile. Wow-I can't even remember him without teeth!
Melts my heart!

He put on my sunglasses all by himself and grabbed an old cell phone. Think he was trying to tell me something?

Daddy and Dominic cuddling!
Silly, giggly family photo!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh the things Lou can do!!

Lou has been a busy guy these past 2 weeks. He wouldn't call himself a "handyman" but I couldn't disagree more!! He has ripped up all the laminent flooring in our house, mortared, cut and layed tile and with a little help grouting from me, finished the flooring. I also have to mention that he took out and reinstalled our toilet and stove!!! I love the change-the white grout makes all our white woodwork really pop!!

The 2nd floor bathroom


Dining area
Oh and Lou has also successfully conquered this--the Thurmonator found at Thurman's Cafe in Columbus and featured on Man V. Food. I'm so proud! Is there anything my husband can't do!?!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pictures! :)

"Daly Miracles" MS Walk team 2010 (minus Brett and Mary)
At the Zoo with Daddy!

Mommy & Dom walking at the Zoo!

Mom & Dom lunchdate. Such a neat little dipper!


Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm baaaaAAAAck!!!!!

I know it's been a while (a month exactly to be precise). Once I made the decision to take a hiatus from the internet-I thought a month would be a nice, round "number". It was wonderful timing because we've had SO much going on lately! I'll try to catch you all up!!

MS WALK: Are you ready for this? We raised $5,550!!!!! Even Jim Tressel donated to our team!! (there are many perks to having a Buckeye Football alumni as your brother!) The walk was at Cleveland Browns Stadium and we had a great time! Lou and I are already brainstorming on how to do more for next year! We were the 3rd highest raising team and Lou is in the top ten for individual donations! That means next year he'll be recognized with prime time parking, a banquet and special flag to wear! I'm so proud of our entire team!! What a great time and cause!!

Tax Season: Another tax season in the books. Lou worked tremendously hard and it paid off! You have to understand that Lou runs his tax practice as a side job. He has a 40+ hour job he works during the week and works on returns in the evenings. He did such a great job that he made enough money to tile almost all the laminent floors and re-carpet almost our entire home!! Right now we are literally in the process of laying tile in our house. I'm not kidding, I have a stove and toliet in my living room! haha! Living in a 3 story townhome, the carpet has seen a lot of wear and tear so we are excited to get a more durable carpet in.

- Not too too much to update but I did attend my orientation for clinicals and thankfully I was able to get into the hospital that is 5 minutes from the college where Dominic will be in childcare. I was super pumped to get this placement, as Cleveland Clinic (30 min drive) was one of my options!
- I've officially started my 3rd month of Copaxone injections! It's getting so much easier and so much more routine now. I've had a few hiccups and hit a few veins but luckilly we are stocked up on bandaids.

****I'll update more later with pictures! We have a Tornado Warning right now! Better get off the computer!!****