There are SO many exciting things happening this week!!
*TOMORROW morning, one of my best friends, Maggie will be induced to deliver her first daughter! She's waited so long to conceive and Miss Molly Marie already has so many people who love her! (And maybe a future husband in Dominic!)
*Tomorrow morning I will also be traveling to my clinical site for a visit from 8-12. I'm a bit nervous just to begin this actual process. I will go on a tour and then observe the radiological technologists at work. My biggest fear is that I am going to see something extremely gruesome and question my decision. I like to think I have an iron stomach though. Wish me luck!!
*Friday we are going to be getting new carpet on our 2nd floor and 5 flights of stairs! I cannot express how excited I am!!! We have the construction grade carpet right now and will be installing a very nice frieze carpet. Oooh I can't wait to Dyson all over that!! lol
*This week we have also decided to re-paint our 2nd floor (main living floor). We are also redecorating our living room and changing it from warm yellows, browns & reds to a gray/blue, brown and white. I think it's going to look great and so much more relaxing. I am on the look out for some neat pieces to add! :)
*My best friend Becky is turning the big 3-0 on the 14th and we are going to celebrate this weekend! Happy early Birthday Becky!!!
*My brother, Brett is going to be taking his Step 1 boards on the 10th. He's been studying like crazy and I know he is going to do great! Good Luck brother! And happy 26th birthday on the 12th! Love ya!

I thought this was hilarious! Dominic fell asleep during lunch this afternoon!!! He's never done this before! I was actually making my lunch and turned around to see this, so I did what anyone would do-sat down across from him at the table and ate lunch! lol Needless to say our conversation was pretty one sided! :)