Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dominic has an announcement...

Yes! It's true! Dominic is going to be a BIG BROTHER!!!! Grasso Baby Part Deux is due January 15, 2012. I am currently 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant and feeling every bit of it! We saw the high risk doctor today (due to Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus/RA-I'll write more on that later) and were able to see the baby for the 3rd time already! Measuring right along at 9 weeks 4-5 days and the we heard the heartbeat as well for the 2nd time beating strong at 177 bpm.

The road to get to this point has not been easy but every time I hear that sweet little heartbeat I know it was worth every second. <3


Sweet Little Lovings said...

How exciting! Congrats!

Becca said...

Congratulations Lou, Brooke, & Dominic!! That is such exciting news.

Lindsey said...

I couldn't click on your tweet any faster to read the news! I'm so excited for you, Lou, and Dom! Can't wait to watch your journey through your pregnancy!