This morning Dominic took his 2nd trip out of the house. This time he was all cuddled up in his JJ Cole Bundle Me, which is like a big sleeping bag. He fell right asleep and was sleeping all the way up to the point of having to be undressed to be weighed. He weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces last Monday and the Dr wanted to make sure he was gaining about a 1/2 ounce or so a day since then. Louie & I made bets on how much we thought he weighed now..
Louie-7 pounds 12 oz
Brooke-7 pounds 10 oz
and the answer is.....8 pounds 1 ounce!!! Our little guy almost gained a whole POUND last week! They want babies to be back at their birth weight (7 pounds 12 oz) by the time they are 2 weeks old...Looks like we already have an overachiever!! :o) At least we know he's eating well!
After the appointment we stopped at Target to pick up some diapers & a few other things. After spending almost every night at Target walking around in the days before DT was born--I was super excited to be back there with him!
Also--TODAY THE CHRISTMAS MUSIC STARTED ON THE RADIO!! This station plays it nonstop until January....I LOVE it!!
Now I just have to find the Christmas music station on Sirius.
He is so cute! And a pound? Wow! :)
I love the Christmas music, I was happy to hear The Fish (95.5 FM) start it today!
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