We stayed in the nice, warm house this weekend and made our cookies for the Grasso Christmas Sweets Exchange. The last two years have been catastrophic....if you can recall the Stained Glass Cookies (sticky, rock hard mess) and the Spitz cookies last year that looked like blobs and had to become frosted chocolate chip cookies. This year we chose gingerbread cookies--something different, with the possibility of disaster.1. They taste GREAT!!! Neither of us would opt for gingerbread when given the choice of cookie, but these are really good!
2. Our family frosting experience was a blast! It was a nice way to spend a verrry chilly Saturday afternoon/evening! Dominic "hung out" in the baby carrier attached to Louie while we baked & decorated. Louie really enjoyed the "mess up" cookies and served as quality control.
Our finished product after frosting

A close up view

Dominic Gingerbread Babies complete with diapers!

All packaged up and ready to give away!
looks yummy!
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