Last weekend I was talking with a friend who has a 1 month old about the frustrations of a crying child. After being a parent for a full year now I realized probably the most important attribute a parent needs to have is patience. You need to exude patience when he doesn't want to eat or when he finally does open his mouth he decides to spit the food out. You need patience to handle the melt downs and crying fits when you have no idea what he needs. Patience of course doesn't take a break because those 2 am wake up calls need patience too. When the only thing that calms him down in the middle of the night is holding him or rubbing his back for near hours you need patience. I've mastered the art of "count to 10," "deep breathes," and the mantra of "relax, stay calm." I'm sure my patience will continue to be put to the test but in talking with my friend I could sense his frustrations with exercising patience during the crying fits. It's not easy at all but if you want to survive as a parent it's the only way, be patient and life will seem easier. As I write this Dominic just started crying after he's been asleep for about 45 minutes. Does it stress me out? Sure, but oh well, that's life. I'll give him about 5 minutes to see if he can relax himself back to sleep then I'll go up and save the day...crisis averted, he fell back asleep on his own.
T-minus 9 Days

Christmas is quickly approaching and we haven't had our first big snow fall of the Winter season yet. Christmas just doesn't feel the same without a bunch of snow on the ground. Makes me wonder how people in warmer climates celebrate Christmas. If the weather never changes how would it feel like Christmas. It wouldn't be Christmas here without snow or the sting of the cold air. Having snow on Christmas is one reason I like living in a four season region.
I'm really looking forward to these next two weeks to take some time off work and be with my Family. I'm not looking forward to our regular shows not being new so hopefully Santa brings Brooke and I something fun to do in the evenings together since our shows won't be on.
I'll try to come up with a good Christmas blog for next week. Stay tuned...but don't get your hopes up. Here are some pics of Dominic to get your fix in.

Best Cookies ever. Thanks Brooke

Dominic playing at Aunt Anna's store

Hey! When did Dominic get my Xbox controller?

Proud of himself after playing with my Controller. He has next.

Sitting in his big boy chair
I always think the same thing about people who live in Florida and do they get in the Christmas mood? Not that Texas is that cold but at least we get a tiny bit of snow every now and then!
"Christmas is quickly approaching and we haven't had our first big snow fall of the Winter season yet. Christmas just doesn't feel the same without a bunch of snow on the ground. Makes me wonder how people in warmer climates celebrate Christmas. If the weather never changes how would it feel like Christmas. It wouldn't be Christmas here without snow or the sting of the cold air. Having snow on Christmas is one reason I like living in a four season region."
... I say the same thing all the time. And I also wonder about calendars for warmer climates. I know Hawaaiin calendars just have a ton of flowers on them, but do other warm states have pics of snow in January on their calendars? ... I love the four seasons. I wouldn't trade it for the world, although winter could end at the end of Feb. That would be fine by me. :-)
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