After bath, we bring Dominic back into his nursery & put him in his bedtime onsie (and diaper of course!). Then he listens to his "prayer bear" say a prayer, gets his hair brushed by Daddy, and finally gets a leg massage by Mommy. Then Louie goes to clean up the bathroom while I put Dom in his sleepsack and read him his story. Although he has no idea what I am saying, he looks intensely at the pictures in the book. After his story we start his mobile and he watches his "bees" go 'round and 'round..we let him lay there quietly by himself for a few minutes (sometimes he coos & talks to his bees)
Finally, he gets fed then (hopefully) falls asleep. In the beginning bed & bath time were a nightmare but I really think the routine has helped us all relax a bit in the evenings. Plus, it's always nice to spend that 45 min together giving Dom special attention from both Mommy & Daddy!
Saw your comment to my blog and thought I'd check out your blog. The bedtime routine has worked wonders for us as well! Amelia used to hate the bath, but now she loves it and it instantly calms her even if she is screaming. ;) Now we're just dealing w/ her staying asleep after the bedtime routine; she's gotten into the habit of waking w/in an hour of going down. When this happens, it usually takes 45 min to over an hour to get her settled again. ARGH! Hopefully it's just temporary and this too shall pass. :) Thanks for stopping on my blog!
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