Thursday, July 16, 2009

Look Who's Talking!

*We are not participating in this week's Kelly's Korner activity because it's titled "Child's Birthday" and I don't want to show any spoilers of what I have planned for Dominic's 1st birthday (in less than 4 months...::tear::). *

Before Lou & I had Dominic we vowed that we'd never, EVER speak "baby talk" to our baby. We said we'd always speak to him or her using real words and the correct words for most words. I'm pretty sure Dominic was about 5 minutes old when he heard his first "cutsey wutsey". Before we left the hospital to head for home he had heard a variety of new words such as poopie, wittle baby, come to think of it..any word with a /w/ sound in front of it...wittle, waby, wove etc. It didn't take us long to completely forget our sol um vow.

Eight months later, not only are we still speaking in baby language, but we have made up our own songs -usually set to the tune of an 80's song w/our own example of our work includes such hits as "Don't you...peepee on me" sung to the tune of "Don't you, forget about me", and of course our own words! Here's our personal dictionary.

Beets: feet
Na-Nights: Dominic's pajamas
NumNums: food from Mommy
BaBa: Bottle
Soothie: pacifier-that he only chews on now

There are plenty more...What kind of baby talk do YOU have to share? We are always up for expanding our vocabulary!!


kace said...

I always said the same thing... no baby talk! Like you, that didnt last. Everything ends with an "ie" (toesie, nosie, beddie, blankie), lots of doodle bugs, all vehicles are called trucks (even mopeds), and so many more... glad to see we're not alone:)

Alexis said...

We say that everything is Matty's. This is Matty's house, not ours anymore. This is Matty's Wal-Mart. This is Matty's park. This is Matty's outside. This is NOT Matty's mommy! (That's usually when my sister is holding him. She's heard it so much, she says it herself when he fusses with her now!) We sort of hope that he refers to things in the third person like that when he starts talking. I know it might be tough to break him from, but it would just be so cute!!!