Is taking the week off! See you next week! :)
I feel as if I've really slacked with the blog lately, although Dominic is keeping me very busy during the day and when I do get a nap from him (it's rare) I have to take advantage of it!! Also, the Big Brother live feeds are taking over my life! These house guests are driving me batty! You should know that CBS is doing an incredible edit job and leaving a lot of important things out!
We have had an exciting week. Yesterday was our 2 year anniversary (look for a post about it in the next 24 hours) and we are looking forward to Camp CanDew this weekend! I'll leave you with a few pictures because if you are like me, you just can't get enough of Dominic! :)
We don't get any BB spoilers this week? TELL ME, TELL ME!
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