As you may or may not know, I stay at home with Dominic. I love love love being able to stay at home and spend time with him as he's growing up so quickly. When Dominic was an infant, he took naps which allowed me for a little time to get things done around the house, work out, or catch a few zzz's as well. Around the time Dominic turned 4 months old-he dropped napping like a bad habit! He'll fall asleep in the car but it's rare if I can transfer him from the car into the house without waking him up. Which means I get NO, zero, zilch time to myself during the day. I am very lucky to have such an amazing husband who takes Dominic after work each day and allows me to have some time alone. I take around five nights a week to head down to the gym in our development. Here I chat it up with neighbors, watch tv, read magazines and get a good work out in! :)

Here is a picture (taken from my Iphone-nice pic huh!?) of our gym. I love it! It has everything you could want/need!

Here is where you can usually find me indulging myself in magazines and catching up on old episodes of "Friends".
Thanks for taking a peep into my "Me" time! :)
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