There are 54 days until the 2010 Cleveland MS Walk!! We have currently raised $390 of our $1000 team goal! Thank you this week to some very generous donations from friends/family of Becky. *Thank you!* Please go here to donate, join, or learn more about Multiple Sclerosis.
As for me, I received my Auto Inject last week in the mail. This is a device that I will put the glass syringe into and use to automatically inject myself without having to actually see it. I also got a call from the nurse who will be coming to our house and instruct & inject me for the first time. I haven't received the actual drug yet-but I've heard it takes some time to go through insurance etc. I'll keep you posted.
Thank you to everyone involved in any way! It really does mean a lot! :)
Caffeine, Anxiety, and Anhedonia
3 days ago
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