I wasn't planning on using my current situation as a ministry but if anyone can take comfort in my words or feel a connection then I am more than happy to share.
I have recently been diagnosed with both RRMS (relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). If you'd like to know more about what's going on with me, please just read my prior posts. I had planned to write much more-but unfortunately woke up feeling pretty lousy-I think I caught my son's cold!
Thanks for stopping by!
I am so sorry about your recent diagnosis. Hang in there, I will say a prayer for you. I did not get a chance to read your story yet, but I would like to come back and read it. Dominic is such a cutie! I am sure he will love Sesame Street live! We went to Disney on Ice last night and both of my little ones loved it!
Have a great weekend!
I'm going to read more about your story - thanks for sharing. My mom has had MS for 20 years . . . so it's encouraging for me to read other people's stories - and especially how God uses us for ministry in whatever our situation is!
Hi! I have RRMS as well and am glad to have found your blog. I will now be following your journey.
I have been praying for you alot, Brooke. You are such a strong and amazing person!
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