I'm not sure if I'm the best to recommend beauty tips, one of my "bucket list" wishes is to have my makeup professionally done-not mall professional, more like Hollywood professional. Anywho, my life as a mother has dramatically changed my beauty regiment. I put makeup on in the morning and don't touch it til the next day. *Yes I sleep in my makeup-it's bare essentials, says you can on the infomercial! lol* I used to touch up my make up multiple times a day, I laugh at that now because I'm lucky to have matching socks on each day! I'm really hoping that Dominic wins this contest (vote on the right side of our page!) because I could use a spa day-or at least a haircut since I can't remember the last time I had one!! :) Like I said, not sure I'm authorized to give advice but I do have some MUST products!

I've used this mascara for years and haven't found anything close to it. I love the thick brush! Which helps because I was not blessed with long, luscious lashes! :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Your little one is such a cutie!! I looove Bare Minerals.... It feels sooo natural....Oh and I love lip gloss from B&B I am sooo addicted to it!
Your post is super cute
I sooo wish I could afford Ken Paves to like style my hair EVERYDAY....LOL
Have a Great Weekend
Summer :0)
Yes I also love BM and I also sleep in mine.. I am terrible when it comes to this.. I am just too tried when I go to bed.. I always forget!! I need something for my pores but have not found anything that works yet. I will have to check into the clinique, thanks so much for the tip!! BTW, your little boy is too dang cute!! I love your pictures!! Have a great weekend!
Your little one is so cute!!! LOVE Bare minerals!!! Its so flawless on the face!!:) Love your blog girl, and I am now following......feel free to head over and check out my blog and my list for today! Have a great day!
Came across your blog form Kelly's Korner. I have a son close to your sons age! Don't you just love boys!
I'm intrigued by the Clinique you suggested. I don't have big pores, but I definitely need some smoothing. :) Thanks for the tips!
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