Saturday Louie left to go to Michigan for the day. He and his brothers got together to play cards and spend time together. This meant I was left for a full 24 hours with Dominic & our dogs TJ & Sadie--all alone for the very first time!! I took some pictures of our day/evening together!
First, Dominic took a nap

Then, he woke up "Hey, Where's Daddy!?"

Then, we played on the playmat-he loves grabbing at the rings

Next, he played with his octopus toy while sitting on the couch
Doing a little tummy time with his lovey bear
Then we did some PT & practiced rolling

We played the rollercoaster game for a while-he loves this!

Our self portrait! Mommy is looking a bit worn down at this point!
After all our playing, I somehow managed to give Dominic his bath, get him ready for bed and fed. It took a while to get him to sleep on my own (he only napped for 3 hours total that day!)-but he finally lulled to sleep. Dominic slept from 11-3:30, was fed & changed-back to sleep from 3:45-5:50, fed & changed then went back into bed with me and slept until 8:45!!!

Here he is right as he woke up in the big bed!! Look at his long legs! He loves waking up in our bed-especially because he loves being out of his sleep sack!
After we rubbed the sleepies out of our eyes, I dressed Dominic for the day, took out & fed the dogs-and played with Dominic. I told him around 11:45 if he took a nap-when he woke up his Daddy would be home....sure enough...Dominic opened his eyes and there he was!!!
"Yay! Daddy's home!!!"
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