Today we took Dominic in for his 4th session of physical therapy. Things went really well, Dom was his usual happy self, flirting with his therapist. She is convinced that he grew taller last week! Ann Marie said that he is doing remarkably well and looks very strong! She measured his head in various places to see if he would need to wear a corrective helmet to round out his head and Dominic is NO where near needing one. Dominic rolled and cooed all up to the point of the hardest stretch. This is the exercise we haven't been able to do at home. We were told to lay Dom on his tummy and turn his head to the left-which would pull it as far as it can go. Dominic HATES it at home and we are just not comfortable forcing his head that far. Ann Marie did it for a while and poor lil Dominic screamed & wailed. As soon as she picked him up he was right back to laughing. <--he's a tricky little guy!
We were also told that Dominic is doing SO well that we only have to bring him in
EVERY OTHER week!! :) Our homework (added on to his usual PT) is to work on more rolling and massaging the soft tissue in his neck. I'm sure he won't mind either of those!!
Our weekend was pretty relaxing-Dominic traveled a bit to see all 4 of his grandparents! He was very happy to see all of them and certainly told them so!! Other than that--We all hung out at home, watched the Cavs and rented a movie!! It was nice & relaxing! Here are a couple pics of Mommy & Dominic lounging around on the couch! (Yes, Brooke is very very ve-er-er-y tired and she certainly looks it!)

if that's you looking tired then remind me to never post a picture of me looking tired
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