Pete raised $225!
Lou & I raised $200 each!
Steve raised $160!
April raised $135!
Brett raised $130!
Becky raised $75-and ran a 10K the following day!
Jesse & Leann donated $20 and had a trooper of a son (Connor) who walked the entire walk with us through gale force winds!
So many of us got so close to meeting the TEAM goal!! :) I'm excited that I have an entire year to plan for next year. I have some goals already a'brewin in my mind:
*Set a much higher team goal. I would love to make it into the top 20 for $ raised!
*Hold some sort of fundraising "event" during the year
*Inform others & expand our team!
*Plan much better and follow through with the "super fun activity" I had promised. I'm really kicking myself for not planning this better. Although-after the walk, I was pretty wiped out but next year I'll have an 18 month old--not 6 month old! haha!
On behalf of my mother, I thank you, of you who had some part in this. It was very emotional, inspirational & amazing to SEE what we worked so hard for. There was a man with two canes-making it up an incline, a woman being pushed in a wheelchair, hundreds of people walking for loved ones--one man, walked the 4 mile trek BAREFOOT! Just amazing. I had a great time, the weather (despite the winds) worked out nicely and it was a great time! :) Now-on to the pictures!! <--they all uploaded backwards but that's ok!
Again, thank you soooo much! I look forward to having another special day with you all next year!
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