Sunday, May 17, 2009

MS Walk FINAL update! (For Now!)

This weekend, our team, "Daly Miracles" participated in the Cleveland MS Walk. The forecast called for storms all day-but that didn't stop us! We all met up in Cleveland, checked in, got our team photo taken and got ready to walk! The grand total raised by our team was $1,145!! I can't believe that I had set a team goal at $250!! Consider this:
Pete raised $225!
Lou & I raised $200 each!
Steve raised $160!
April raised $135!
Brett raised $130!
Becky raised $75-and ran a 10K the following day!
Jesse & Leann donated $20 and had a trooper of a son (Connor) who walked the entire walk with us through gale force winds!

So many of us got so close to meeting the TEAM goal!! :) I'm excited that I have an entire year to plan for next year. I have some goals already a'brewin in my mind:
*Set a much higher team goal. I would love to make it into the top 20 for $ raised!
*Hold some sort of fundraising "event" during the year
*Inform others & expand our team!
*Plan much better and follow through with the "super fun activity" I had promised. I'm really kicking myself for not planning this better. Although-after the walk, I was pretty wiped out but next year I'll have an 18 month old--not 6 month old! haha!

On behalf of my mother, I thank you, of you who had some part in this. It was very emotional, inspirational & amazing to SEE what we worked so hard for. There was a man with two canes-making it up an incline, a woman being pushed in a wheelchair, hundreds of people walking for loved ones--one man, walked the 4 mile trek BAREFOOT! Just amazing. I had a great time, the weather (despite the winds) worked out nicely and it was a great time! :) Now-on to the pictures!! <--they all uploaded backwards but that's ok!

My mom & her best friend,Diane
Brett's sticker-"I'm walking for Mom"

The boys walking!

Connor & Jesse

Dominic, conked out after a long morning, all wrapped up in his MS t-shirt

Louie & I

Me, my mom & brother
Brett & Bomber-who walked the entire walk! For an 11 year old dog, that's a great feat!
Pete & April-so cute!
Dom, at the beginning of the walk. He couldn't walk with us because it was much too windy for him
Dominic & Mommy
Uncle Pete & Aunt April w/Dominic before the walk
Me & Becky-my best friend

Our AWESOME team-Daly Miracles!!
Again, thank you soooo much! I look forward to having another special day with you all next year!