Sunday, May 3, 2009

Monday MS Walk Update!

Once again, (I sound like a broken record) I just cannot believe the generosity!!! Last week, our team had raised $775--which is just unbelievable! But in ONE week we have gotten up to $985!!!! It's just astounding! I am so proud of our team and the very generous company they keep! This week's superstar was Steve!!! :) Great job!

I really want to take the time to say how much it truly means to me, my brother, my husband and my mother that we are taking the initiative to raise money for this cause. The walk takes place 3 days before my mom's birthday and I couldn't think of a better birthday present than to give her this gracious gift. I live with an immune deficiency disease as well and am so grateful that I am able to participate in this walk & help raise money. I know what it feels like to feel helpless and "not yourself". In your mind you know you can do sooo much more than your body is able to allow. Please understand that although my two hands can't possibly type how thankful I am...."my cup runneth over".

In team news, Lou & I decided against team tee shirts. To be honest...our contact fell through and we felt bad asking for our AWESOME team to contribute more than they have already. It's not about what we are wearing--I'm just grateful to have you there!!! :)

Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart. It means so very, very much to me. If you'd like to visit our website to join our team *it's NOT too late*, donate or educate yourself on is the link..
Thank you OH so much! :)


Macey said...

I came to see your living room from Kelly's Korner. Now I'm reading through the rest of your posts. I also have MS. There isn't enough awareness about it, even though it is pretty prevelant. My mom has it and her mom had it, so I'm 3rd generation. Thank you for doing the walk and raising money! It helps all of us fighting this thing every day. You rock!
PS Your place is very cute!

Brittney said...

I came to visit your blog through Kelly's Korner. I work for the National MS Society and we appreciate all that you and your team are doing to create a world free of MS! Keep up the great work!