Today we took Dominic to get his 6 month pictures. Lou & I were torn. We didn't have the best experience last time (3 months) at
JCPenny's but were nervous about straying from the "regular", so in our typical fashion--we decided to schedule two photo shoots. One at Penny's and the other at Sears.
Luckily they are both located in the same mall so we could shoot & scoot! Here are a few of the Sears pictures. This was the 2
nd place we went to and by this time we were dealing with a Dominic with no nap--who had tipped down and bumped his head during the shoot. <--you can see the little red mark. *he was a-
ok though* After a little cuddling, we ditched the outfit and changed Dominic into his swim trunks. He was much happier. The
JCPenny proofs are super duper cute too and I can't wait to post them (when we get the email link). We FINALLY have professional pictures with documented proof of our beautiful baby boy's smile!! :)

The photos are great. He is too cute in his little swim trunks
I think 6 months is one of my favorite ages, the are so chunky and loveble at that age ! he is precious!!!
So cute! I love the beach theme!!
These pics are so cute!
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