Dominic has changed so so much in one month!
*He now rolls to get places-especially when he sees TJ
*Can sit up on his own-each day he lasts a little longer. The record is 15 minutes without tipping over!
*Is an expert on solid foods. He opens his mouth like a baby bird then smiles after he swallows. He loves everything but peas. They are taking some time to get used to. His favorite are green beans.
*Can drink from a cup. If I hold the cup-it's a lot less messy but he likes to try and do it himself. He can also feed himself from a bottle.
*He talks...not any words we can understand but he has full on conversations with Lou. He just babbles away. And I must say, he has the sweetest little voice! (remind me I said that when he's in the "why?" stage or when he's a sassy teenager!)
*He loves to be outside, if he's cranky we take him out on the deck and he's immediately a happy baby. He seems to realllllly like the wind chimes and when we blow bubbles.
*Bathtime now resembles the "Maid of the Mist" and we should probably purchase some rain ponchos. Dominic LOVES to kick and splash in the tub. No matter how much or little water we put in--chances are by the end of bath time, all of us (including the dogs!) are soaked.
*He mimics me. If I stick out my tongue or blow raspberries-he will do the same. I'm trying to teach him to roll his tongue. He watches me and I can see him trying to figure out which way to move his tongue. Note: he CAN do it..I've seen it. I'm also betting he can roll his into thirds just like mommy.
*Dominic loves books. His face just lights right up when we read to him. I hope that is something that continues because I love books & reading!
*And I can finally say...Dominic is sleeping through the night! Not the technical 5 straight hours but he's going to bed at 8:15 and sleeping to at least 6:45! We love going into the nursery in the morning and seeing his sweet little blueberries & smiley, gummy mouth looking up at us! :)
6 month check up (and shots)
Today we took Dominic in for his 6 month check up and shots. Dominic was all smiles for the nurses who just adore him! One nurse threatened to steal him! hah! As usual, Louie & I made our height & weight predictions..
Brooke: 17.4 lbs, 27 inches long
Lou: 18 lbs, 28 inches long
After a weigh in and 3 different height measurements-the final stats are:
Weight-17.6 lbs (50th percentile)
Height-26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference-44 cm (50th percentile)
Looks like I won the estimation contest! In Louie's defense--he channeled a Cedar Point weight guesser last night while watching Biggest Loser. He was guessing weights within 2 lbs! Dr. Flask came in and Dominic greeted her with a big smile. He really likes her. She looked over his stats and as you can see from his percentiles told us that Dom is "just so perfect". Next up: shots. I stayed to see Dominic chug the oral vaccine then left the room to schedule our next appointment when I saw the needles. To be clear: I have NO problem with needles. I had to have labwork done every 4 weeks for 2 years and it just doesn't bother me. I just don't like to see Dominic get his shots. He looks right up at me and I feel so awful not being able to stop the pain. I could hear Dom screaming which Louie later told me happened before they gave him the shots. I walked back in and scooped him up. We said our goodbyes and were on our way!
Good News: No shots until 1 year appt
Bad News: Bloodwork being done at his 9 month appt
You'd be surprised with the bloodwork. When Matteo had his, he never even cried. Make sure to get a good phalbotimist (sp?) that has done children before and it shouldn't be a big deal!
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