Holy Moly!! I was so pumped last week that we had raised beyond our goal of $1000 and collected $1050....this week I am just flabbergasted! Our AMAZING team have raised...wait for it....
$2,735!!!!!!!!!!! We still have a little more than a month to go and per request of the NMSS, raised our team goal to
$3000. We are actually in 3rd place for the highest amount raised-I don't think we are going to catch up to first place who already has $8000, but this is honestly amazing. Nine people have been working to make such a difference and I am also so very touched by the generosity of others!!
As I injected Copaxone into my right thigh (the most ouchy of all places for me)tonight, Lou said to me "This is why we are doing this, so one day you won't have to do this." Although true, we are doing this for so much more than that. The ultimate goal of course is to find a cure for this MonSter of a disease, but other than that it is to help all those that we can. I will once again post this little tidbit to think about:
$25-provides a reacher from someone w/MS
$60-provides a shower chair with a back for one individual
$150-provides a cooling vest kit for an individual
$240-provides a day of respite care for a family affected by MS
$500-provides a manual wheelchair for one individual w/MS
$750-provides a portable ramp for one individual
Our little team of 9 can provide someone with any of these with our donations! But with a month to go-we aren't done yet! You can help us make a difference!! If you'd like to donate (any amount is appreciated) please click here:
http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Walk/OHAWalkEvents?team_id=173779&pg=team&fr_id=12300Once again, thank you thank you thank you!! :)