Lately I've been trying a few new "healthy" things after doing some research online and in books. For the past month I have been drinking a cup of green tea every afternoon at 3 pm. This is usually the time that I am most in need of a second wind as Dominic has usually! I honestly can say that I can tell the difference. I used to drink a Diet Coke or grab a cup of coffee if I needed a pick me up but the Green tea is delicious, light, and just feels so much cleaner. I get the boost of energy I need to get through the last couple hours before Lou gets home and also have noticed that I've gotten a lot more out of my evening workout. Besides the awesome antioxidants, there are a bajillion positive attributes to drinking Green tea. Lou is a big time "pop" drinker and gave it up for Lent so I am trying to nudge him more towards drinking a bit more green tea and a little less pop.

Another new thing that I've tried in past few days is Yoga. I signed up to get a free DVD geared towards individuals with MS and received it last week. I did that program once and have been trying different ones through "On Demand" the last few days. And I am in love! I never tried it before because it was hard for me to understand how it was much of a workout. I was wrong. First, I loooove the stretch I feel. I had been cramping during my evening runs and since I've been doing Yoga, I've felt loose and strong. Second, I love the strength conditioning it involves-holding the positions really does work muscles that you can't work any other way. I've been waking up a bit earlier each morning to try and fit in an hour before Dominic wakes up. The one downside to yoga is there really isn't a 10 minute Yoga program. I saw that Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser has come out with a Yoga DVD and I can't wait to try that! I would love to hear of any other suggestions from you all!!

HUGE YOGA FAN HERE! Though I've been out of my loop since December. I too love the stretches and feel sooo amazing afterwards. Even M loves to lay next to me and mock the poses. No advice for yoga DVDs, I have a few and they are just ok. I do recommend a mat, I don't recommend pants! :) Let me know about the Jillian Michaels Dvd.
Tea--welcome to that Bandwagon. I am a huge tea drinker and switched awhile ago, especially that afternoon tea for energy.
My favorite is Pomegranate Green Tea! So yummy! Even better for you with lemon slice and honey!
I too love yoga! Although I don't get much time to squeeze in a workout. I've also been looking into Yogalosophy, Jennifer Aniston's yoga trainer, created this DVD. It also incorporates some toning exercises with the yoga routines. Some are 55 min, some are 30 min. Keep us updated about Jillian's dvd, just the name makes it sound good!
Ahh I love doing Yoga! I actually just got done doing my Yoga dvd! haha! I didn't know Jillian Michaels had a yoga dvd. I'm doing the Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga (Bob's the instructor) right now along with Winsor Pilates and some cardio trying to get my pre-baby body back!
& I love green tea! I buy Revolution brand organic green tea and it's so YUM! :) & I think it's "Harney & Sons" that makes a really good Green Tea too! :)
Is the MS Yoga DVD from mymsyoga? I was lucky enough to participate in two of the practices. It was a really great experience. If you enjoy Yoga DVDs, I strongly recommend taking a class. It is a different experience but I think you will like it! Good luck.
Hi, I found your blog via Twitter. I to have MS and am wondering where you got the MS yoga DVD? Before I was diagnosed I could run, I can't now. The bulk of my lesions are in the spine. Anywho, I'd love to find a DVD geared towards us crazy MSers. Love your blog.
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