Thursday, December 31, 2009
Looking back: Goals 2009
Brooke's Goals:
1. Retake the Math class she withdrew from 9 months pregnant and get at least a "B" (I really want an "A" but c'mon--Math + Brooke = do not mix! DONE: I got an A!! Also took 3 classes in the fall and earned A's in all 3--keeping my 4.0! :)
2. Become more organized DONE: still working on it!
3. Knit one item other than a scarf--Have my Oma teach me! FAIL: Although I did knit another scarf!
4. Take LOTS of pictures of Dominic--he's growing so fast that I truly want to remember EVERY moment! DONE: I think we can all agree on this one! Especially if you're on facebook
5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by working out & eating well! We both want to be at our very best for Dominic! DONE: And with my new diagnosis of MS, this is more important than ever before!
6. Keep in better touch with family & friends. It's so tough with a "newborn" (can he still be considered this?) but I want to make more of an effort! IN PROGRESS: I'll always strive to be a better friend and family member
Lou's Goals:
1. Lose 25 more pounds and maintain that weight for an entire year IN PROGRESS: maintained weight from last year and working on 20 for this year
2. Run at least a 5K (maybe a 10k) FAIL: Was on pace to run one but never signed up for a race
3. Study and sit for at least 2 parts of the CPA exam IN PROGRESS: first year as a parent takes up a lot of time!
4. Spend as much time as possible with my family and be there for every moment I can as Dominic gets older. DONE: I make time for my family as it comes first
5. Send a birthday card to my nieces & nephews on their birthday DONE: I'm very proud of accomplishing this goal because I know it meant a lot to my neices and nephews.
6. Have at least one "date night" each month with my wife. (hint hint..we'll need 12 babysitters!)FAIL: Time goes by way too fast but we did manage to get out alone together thanks to our family!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
An answer..8 years later!
In December of 2002 I woke up and couldn't move my wrists. I went to the ER where they told me I had tendinitis and sent me home with a referral to a orthopedic physician. A week later I woke up and couldn't move my ankle. I followed up there and they referred me to a rhumatologist. I had elevated ANA's and he began treating me for Lupus. I've went years taking up to 8 pills a day, getting cortisone shots and waking up many, many days in intense pain. The joint pain (and I do mean PAIN) jumped from joint to joint-I've limped to classes and winced in pain, but over the years I learned to manage the pain and eventually went off all medication. Once I got pregnant with Dominic I had seemed to go into remission and have had very few "flare up's" since.
December 2009: I started to feel that something was just not right. I was having trouble swallowing, had swollen glands and felt a weird "fluttering" behind my eyes. I just had a feeling that I HAD to get to a doctor and get a piece of mind. I went in and met with our new family physician and went over my symptoms. He ordered lots of blood work, a thyroid ultrasound and because of my family history with immune deficiency and the concerns I had with fluttering-ordered a brain MRI. I had the blood work done and scheduled my ultrasound and MRI.
A week later I went in for the Thyroid ultrasound first. 10 minutes later I was finished. I was then whisked in for the brain MRI. I had a cold at the time so she gave me a peppermint to suck on during the scan, but wasn't allowed to move my mouth--can I tell you how BADLY a mint stuck in one spot burns!?! LOL. About halfway through the scan the tech stopped it and told me she saw "something" and she needed to inject me with a special dye. I asked what she saw and she said she couldn't tell me. (Hello!! Insert panic!). It was at this moment I began to have a feeling that I knew what she had seen. We finished the scan and she told me that they'd have the results at the end of the week.
4 days later: I received a call from the doctor's office telling me that my results were in and I tested positive for Strep throat. *explains the swollen glands* She also told me that the doctor wanted to see me immediately. I thought that was strange-it's just strep? So I made the appointment to go in that afternoon. I knew something was up just by the way the doctor was fumbling his words. He looked nervous. First he told me I had strep and wrote a prescription for an antibiotic, then that the thyroid ultrasound revealed a small cyst that was really nothing of concern but we'd keep an eye on. Then he got to my brain MRI. He explained that the radiologist had seen many lesions on my right parietal lobe of my brain and that "given my age and family history" is indicative of Multiple Sclerosis. My mother has MS so I did know a bit about the disease. He told me he'd work with me to schedule an appointment at the Mellen Center, a part of the Cleveland Clinic that specializes in Multiple Sclerosis.
Today: Lou & I made our way at 9 am through the snow to Cleveland. Walking into the Mellen center was a bit scary. I saw people with many ranges of the disease-some in wheel chairs, many walking very wobbly and others who looked completely normal. I got a little panicked but Lou and I joked around and laughed a lot about funny apps we found on our Iphones. I got called in to see/meet my new neurologist and he did a bunch of tests and talked with us. He took a few minutes to look over my MRI and then came back in. He told me the same-that I had MS-the chance of me inheriting it being 3-5%, but he thinks we caught it early and it may be very mild. He also explained that he saw paleness on the nerves in the back of my eyes. Thanks to my brother, the med student, I learned that this is often one of the first symptoms of someone with MS. He ordered more blood work and a weird eye exam that I will have done in 2 weeks. I will then meet back with him on February 2nd, 2010 to discuss treatment options. The neurologist told me I will most likely be doing the same treatment as my mom-daily injections of a drug. It has worked well for her and I am hopeful that it will stop/slow the progression. So that's that.
So now to how I am feeling-knowing all this. I have to say, I feel relieved in some way. I wasn't crazy to know something was wrong. My intuition was correct. I finally have an answer after all these years-an explanation for everything I've gone through. I most likely do not/never had Lupus at all. It's been multiple sclerosis the entire time and now I can be correctly treated. I'm relieved and hopeful that we caught this early. I'm grateful for a great Family Physician who was proactive and took my concerns seriously! I'm thankful to have a supportive husband and a mother who will be able to help and understand me like no one else on this planet can because she's going through the same thing.
Lou, Dominic & I will be walking the MS Walk again this year as the team "Daly Miracles" but this year, we'll be walking for my mom and for me. I'll have updates soon once I register our team.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I think: positively
I know: that I would have never imagined my life to turn out the way it has, SOO happy and grateful to have everything I've wanted and MORE!
I have: an amazing husband & son, wonderful family and two cute doggies
I wish: that I could win the lottery-I mean, c'mon-who doesn't!?
I hate: to be late for anything!!
I miss: many of my friends from college!
I fear: things out of my control-which includes tsunamis! lol Yes in Ohio!
I hear: the sounds of my husband wrapping my Christmas gifts! Yay!
I smell: the aftermath of the 3rd and 4th loaves of bread I baked today! mmmm
I crave: sweet hugs and kisses from Dominic!
I search: for missing socks, toys, etc on a daily basis
I wonder: what people ever did without the technology we have now
I regret: nothing, everything has led me to where I am today :)
I love: my life. My husband, Dominic, family, friends etc etc
I ache: On a daily basis.
I am not: always as organized as I should be-but working on it.
I try: to see every day as a gift
I believe: in God, fate and the good in people
I dance: with no rhythm! lol
I sing: to only Dominic because I have a horrible singing voice!
I cry: when Dominic does something new, or his face lights up with happiness.
I fight: to remain strong and positive no matter what obstacles are in my way!
I lose: my chap stick
I never: go to sleep without telling my boys how much I love them!
I always: HAVE to have my morning coffee!
I confuse: the exact title of Lou's profession
I listen: to the sounds of daily life..giggles, cries, barks (from the dogs)
I can usually be found: Chasing Dominic around the house, on Facebook, or just busy being Mommy!
I need: Coffee in the morning! <--it's seriously essential!
I am happy: period.
I imagine: having a home with enough space for us all. A yard big enough for the dogs to run in, for Lou & Dominic to play "catch" in and one that I can plant flowers and just enjoy! :)
Play along, won't you?
Monday, December 21, 2009
Been MIA!
CONGRATULATIONS to Shannon & Dan on the birth of their beautiful twin babies, Emma & Joshua! :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou

Best Cookies ever. Thanks Brooke

Dominic playing at Aunt Anna's store
Monday, December 14, 2009
Memo to Mommy
"Stop freaking out about the mess!" There's always time to clean--but how often do we get to make mud pies!?"
"Love me, even when I'm naughty. I'll only be this age once"
"Be patient. I do everything for a reason, but I don't know enough words yet to give you an explanation"
"Let me do it. I know that you can do it faster and better but sometimes experience is the best teacher."
"I want to do what you ask and make you happy, but I'm still little."
"Don't try reasoning with me when I'm having a tantrum. Trust me--I cant hear you over my own screaming."
"Keep your promises. It's all about trust. When I'm a teenager, you'll understand why it's so important."
"Don't let me think that you're perfect. I feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one who makes mistakes sometimes."
"Set limits. I can't actually eat a whole box of cookies--I just want to see if I can get away with it!"
It was just nice to see that with as much as we try to teach our children--there are a couple things we could learn & understand as well!! :)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Weekend review
Dominic loved the alphabet floor mat-he was showing off and surprisingly very social with strangers!
As for me, I'm very excited for my first week without school! Dominic and I are going to finish up our Christmas shopping and find some fun indoor places to explore and play! I felt so bad this past week studying so much during the day. I think Dominic watched Dora's Christmas special about 8 times! <--I wish that was an exaggeration! ::sigh:: But now it's Mom & Dom time! :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Patting myself on the back!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou
Sunday, December 6, 2009
4 lanes of fun!
The Birthday boy
After looking at this picture, you can tell I'm the mother of a toddler. The knees are all worn out in my jeans!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou

Monday, November 30, 2009
Final Countdown!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Because you can never have enough..
Wakey wakey cupcakey!! I was actually going in to take a picture of him sleeping. By the time the flash went off this is what I got!
"And this one...and this one..and.."Saturday, November 28, 2009
July in Christmas??

I was so close!! :(
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I can't believe it, but I forgot to take ANY pictures! I even made sure before we left the house to grab my camera! I've been slacking lately on pictures but I'm going to make a more conscious effort now.
The poor little guy is battling a nasty cold today as well and combined with very little sleep today-bedtime is a bit rough tonight.
I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving day! We all have so much to be thankful for! :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou

When I was growing up before we ate our Thanksgiving meal we would go around the table and say what we're thankful for. With that in mind and being the eve before Thanksgiving I figure no other time would be more appropriate to list what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'll have to edit my list a bit or this blog post would be ridiculously long as I am very blessed with a fortunate life.
I am thankful I have a job and can provide for my Family, for the roof over our heads, for my Parents, for the delicious Thanksgiving meal prepared by my Mother-in-Law, Wife, and Oma, for my Siblings, for my In-Laws, for the Buckeyes going to the Rose Bowl and beating Michigan, for my Friends, for Bella's latest prognosis and positive outlook, for my I-Phone, for my health & my Families health, and most importantly I am thankful for my beautiful Wife Brooke and Son Dominic. Without them in my life I would be lost.
Update on Bella
Today....the Oncology report did not show Hepatoblastoma. It shows that she has a Germ Cell Tumor. A Germ Cell Tumor feeds off of blood. It is all throughout her body, and most likely in her bone marrow, so they are not going to even do that test. The are going to start treatment immediately, maybe tonight or tomorrow.
The team of doctors said this type of cancer is 100% responsive to Chemotherapy!!!! And the prognosis is excellent considering her age and her strength.
Bellas is still in PICU and will remain on the ventilator for another day or two because this large tumor on her Adrenal gland is pressing up on her lungs and making it difficult for her to the machine is helping her do that to avoid putting her under anymore stress. All her vital signs are great and where they should is just so hard to see her in a comatose state, even though we know this is being done on purpose....
Prayer WORKS!!! I truly believe in the strength of all the prayers out there have helped bring us to this point!! Praise God!!! But keep praying as this is going to be a long difficult road for Bella and her parents and and all of us who love her so much.....
And in your prayers...don't to forget to thank God and praise God for holding our Princess Bella close in His hands!!!
Love, Rita
Monday, November 23, 2009
Teach Me Tuesday
We haven't heard any updates as of 7:45 Monday evening regarding Bella's surgery. I do know that she went in at 5:30. Thank you for all the prayers--keep them coming! :)
Update: They went in and could only get a bit of the tumor on her liver out, they couldn't stop the bleeding and had to close her up. Bella will be in intensive care (she's stable), and they will go in again in a few days. They do not believe it to be neuroblastoma, but another very rare form of liver cancer. I'll await the results of the biopsy. Please keep on praying.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Please Pray for Bella
Our two year old great niece, Bella, went in to the doctor last week because her tummy appeared bigger than normal and was hard. They sent her to a nearby hospital for what they thought was an unexplained enlarged spleen and liver. Once there she was sent by ambulance to Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. While testing they discovered many (some quite large) tumors on her little liver, adrenal gland, spine, and lungs. The doctors believe it may also be in her bones-they are 90% certain that Bella has neuroblastoma, cancer found primarily in infants and children. She will be going in for surgery sometime on Monday and they will be taking out pieces to biopsy and be taking some bone marrow from her hip. At this time they will also be putting a port into her chest to administer medication. A relief to her mother, Rachel, who told me that Bella is really unhappy with the I.V. This poor little girl has also already had one blood transfusion and will receive another one before surgery due to anemia.
I spoke with Rachel this afternoon and she is very positive and has strong Faith, the doctors are also keeping her very informed and are treating them all with the up most care. Rainbow Babies is one of the best children's hospitals in the country and I know Bella is in wonderful, more than capable hands.
Please keep sweet Bella in your thoughts and prayers. Please send strength to her and her family. Thank you!

Here are a few links as well:
Rainbow Babies: