Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dominic's Many Hats!

Dominic has lots & lots of hats-hats he'll most likely grow out of before he gets to show them off--so I decided to have a little hat show today! In most of the pictures Dom has his hands in the mouth-but he was being a trooper when I was popping hat after hat on him!

Too cool!

Turtle baseball hat
Winter hat
The very first hat we bought him-waaay too small now!
Dalmation Hat
Cowboy hat!
Being Silly
His "Dominic" hat
Duck winter hat
Our little monkey!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 5 PT Update

Today we took Dominic to his 5th physical therapy session...I guess I should start at the beginning. This morning started off alright. We all woke up bright & early after 2 good stretches of sleep from Dominic last night. Louie dressed Dom, I fed him and we were on the road-at 7:30-right on schedule! About halfway to Westlake, I hear Louie yell in the backseat (something I won't post on here, my little sister reads this! ha!). Dominic had projectile, and I mean P.R.O.J.E.C.T.I.L.E vomited all over the backseat of my car. All over the seats, all over the car seat, all over himself..even on Louie! Luckily I could grab a burp rag out of the diaper bag while driving to hand to Lou so he could clean up a bit.
We got to our appointment and Ann Marie called us back. We were of course mortified to see we didn't have a change of clothes in his diaper bag-so poor Dominic had to do his PT in just a diaper (which he didn't mind because he loves to be a nakie baby!) while I rinsed off his shirt & pants, rolled them in a towel at my best attempt to Sham WOW them dry.
Ann Marie said Dominic looked great & very strong! She said that he has grown quite a bit in the last two weeks as well. She was very impressed with his progress and gave us a few new exercises to work on--not for torticollis (which is almost completely gone) but just to strengthen his muscles. We go back in two weeks, and are hoping that she only wants to see Dominic on a monthly basis after that.
So before I got Dominic dressed to go home, I decided to change his diaper....Dominic then proceeded to pee all over my jeans! So the count is Daddy=puked on, Mommy=peed on, Brooke's Escape=covered in now spoiling milk. We drove the vomitmobile home and started on operation clean up. Louie wiped up in the car while I got Dominic into some dry, clean, better smelling clothes. We ended up having to wash the car seat cover, Snuggle Me cover, blanket, strap covers, burp rags, his clothes & my pants all in a ONE hour trip to PT. What a day!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mom & Dom's Day!

Saturday Louie left to go to Michigan for the day. He and his brothers got together to play cards and spend time together. This meant I was left for a full 24 hours with Dominic & our dogs TJ & Sadie--all alone for the very first time!! I took some pictures of our day/evening together!

First, Dominic took a nap

Then, he woke up "Hey, Where's Daddy!?"
Then, we played on the playmat-he loves grabbing at the rings

Next, he played with his octopus toy while sitting on the couch

Doing a little tummy time with his lovey bear

Then we did some PT & practiced rolling

We played the rollercoaster game for a while-he loves this!

Our self portrait! Mommy is looking a bit worn down at this point!

After all our playing, I somehow managed to give Dominic his bath, get him ready for bed and fed. It took a while to get him to sleep on my own (he only napped for 3 hours total that day!)-but he finally lulled to sleep. Dominic slept from 11-3:30, was fed & changed-back to sleep from 3:45-5:50, fed & changed then went back into bed with me and slept until 8:45!!!
Here he is right as he woke up in the big bed!! Look at his long legs! He loves waking up in our bed-especially because he loves being out of his sleep sack!
After we rubbed the sleepies out of our eyes, I dressed Dominic for the day, took out & fed the dogs-and played with Dominic. I told him around 11:45 if he took a nap-when he woke up his Daddy would be home....sure enough...Dominic opened his eyes and there he was!!!

"Yay! Daddy's home!!!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fires, Office visits & high chairs OH MY!

Everyone has Snow days, but who ever thought their school would catch on fire and get a "fire day"!!! Classes were cancelled today & tomorrow, which means no math class for Brooke! Luckilly, no one was injured-you can read the story here-

Today Dominic went to visit Daddy at work! He met Gale, Louie's secretary and helped Daddy in his office! Dom usually helps Louie with taxes & even plays with the ten-key now--before we know it he'll be sending faxes and writing memos! I forgot my camera this time-so we'll have to make another visit soon!!

Dominic seems to just be sprouting before our eyes! He has decided that laying down isn't as fun as sitting up-and although he can't sit without support, he seems to really like it! He also seems to like to sit like a big boy in his high chair. He looks SOO small in it-but in order to start cereal in a month or two, he'll need to be able to sit in there! I'm sure glad he likes it because it gives us a chance to get things done in the kitchen (like eat dinner!) with two hands!! :)

He's so relaxed!

"I'm ready to eat!"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Next Simon Cowell?

I know, I know...Don't let babies/children watch T.V.--well that has proven difficult with a 50 inch TV in the room and a 3 month old who will contort his neck/head to fight & see what we're watching. He loves his Baby Einstein puppet shows-and we LOVE watching him laugh & squirm at the puppets. Dominic can be throwing a royal tantrum and as soon as he sees that blue cat puppet-he immediately, and I mean immediately settles down & smiles. I wonder if it's the slow movements, simple characters, or funny noises that he likes so much?

Last night Dominic was adamant about watching American Idol. I would try and turn him away and he would get upset. I sat Dom on my lap and let him watch. Everytime he saw Simon Cowell or Randy Jackson, he squealed and squirmed! I eventually had to lay him down next to me because I was afraid he was going to squirm right off my lap!! Once he had freedom, Dominic kicked his legs and whipped his arms around when the contestants sang. During commercials he got upset, looking at me confused. Sure enough, once the show came back on, Dancing Dominic was back in action! Good thing it's on 2x a week! :)

Look at the intensity he watches with...

A commercial break, "Mom, what happened?"

"Seriously, put my show back on!"

"Ahhh, that's better-Life is good!"

Friday, February 13, 2009

My funny Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Three Months Old!

WOW! I can hardly believe it's been three months already!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Milestone I could do without..

First smile, first laugh, first roll....first virus? Our poor little guy has gotten his first bad cold. It all began with a tiny cough on Saturday and since has exploded into a full out, ferocious cold-complete with red, watery eyes, congestion, and a very stuffed up nose. The stuffy nose is the biggest problem because babies tend to breathe out of their nose primarily. Dominic is having a tough time eating-he's literally holding his breath and taking as much as he can-then gasping for air. We took Dom to the doctor yesterday and they confirmed that he has a cold, which is most likely RSV. Doctor Finley (Dr.Flask was on call) told us to just continue with what we were doing at home which includes a vapor bath, humidifier, and the torture known as an aspirator. They also told us to get Dominic out in the fresh, cold air. Of course these are the two days that are 60 degrees in Ohio!? Dominic is in great spirits for a sick baby-he smiles at us through his watery eyes and laughs through his snotty nose!! It is honestly tearing up our hearts to see him sick. Mommy is planning on eating LOTS of chicken soup & drinking LOTS of OJ until he gets better!! haha! Here are a few pictures of our little trooper!!

Still smiling

Before we headed to the doctor

One last smile before we left!

This morning, looking much more miserable-but still smiling & playing

Trying to squeek out a smirk-just not feeling good. Our poor baby.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 4 PT Update

Today we took Dominic in for his 4th session of physical therapy. Things went really well, Dom was his usual happy self, flirting with his therapist. She is convinced that he grew taller last week! Ann Marie said that he is doing remarkably well and looks very strong! She measured his head in various places to see if he would need to wear a corrective helmet to round out his head and Dominic is NO where near needing one. Dominic rolled and cooed all up to the point of the hardest stretch. This is the exercise we haven't been able to do at home. We were told to lay Dom on his tummy and turn his head to the left-which would pull it as far as it can go. Dominic HATES it at home and we are just not comfortable forcing his head that far. Ann Marie did it for a while and poor lil Dominic screamed & wailed. As soon as she picked him up he was right back to laughing. <--he's a tricky little guy!

We were also told that Dominic is doing SO well that we only have to bring him in EVERY OTHER week!! :) Our homework (added on to his usual PT) is to work on more rolling and massaging the soft tissue in his neck. I'm sure he won't mind either of those!!

Our weekend was pretty relaxing-Dominic traveled a bit to see all 4 of his grandparents! He was very happy to see all of them and certainly told them so!! Other than that--We all hung out at home, watched the Cavs and rented a movie!! It was nice & relaxing! Here are a couple pics of Mommy & Dominic lounging around on the couch! (Yes, Brooke is very very ve-er-er-y tired and she certainly looks it!)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our busy boy!

Dominic had a very busy week this week--he watched his first Super Bowl, had early morning PT, "exercised" every day, had a play date with Connor Lattea, helped Daddy with tax returns, went to Target, oh and won first place in the Picture of the Week contest with 41 votes! Here is his "blinkie" prize & some pictures to brighten your day!!

Dominic's 1st Place Award

In his Adidas outfit

He's playing with his toys now, and getting so strong!

Dominic fell asleep watching his mobile in his swing

Superbowl Sunday-Future of the Cleveland Browns?? (Thanks Uncle Pete & Aunt April!)

Wearing the proper tax return gear

Connor & Dominic

Being sassy!
Dominic's Game Face! Intimidating isn't it!?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 3 PT Update

Bright & early this morning we took Dominic to his 3rd physical therapy session with Ann Marie. Dominic was in a GREAT mood-laughing & talking with Ann Marie. She said that he was "very charming" and cute. She commented that he was in fact, trying to charm his way out of stretching! We have been working with Dom each day on his PT so we were VERY happy & proud to hear her say that she was surprised at how strong Dominic is for his age and how much improvement he's made from last week! Dominic is now looking to the left very easily & often. He follows Mom or Dad with his head & eyes when they move across the room.

His homework for this week focuses on ROLLING!! Something that Mommy & Dominic have been practicing each day. Dominic can roll from his belly to back with very little/no assistance and now will be working on rolling from his back to his belly. Lifting his head up and over will strengthen many of the muscles in his neck & chest.

Oh and the best news is: because Dominic is showing so much improvement (the tightness is gone in all but one area), after next week we will probably only have to go every OTHER week!

Daddy & Dominic at 7:30 this morning-on our way!

Cleveland Clinic Child Therapy-Westlake, OH

Dominic in the waiting room-catchin' a few more ZzzZzz's

Dominic with Ann Marie, working on holding his head steady-as you can by the look on Louie's face-he's doing a GREAT job!!
Holding his head up when being tilted forward-no problem for our Super Baby!

What a good boy! We are SOO proud of him!!