Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Random thoughts..
Dominic's teething: I feel as if Dom's been cutting teeth for 4 months now. Every day his gums are more swollen, he's drooling more and tugging at his ears-but no teeth..yet. I just want some relief for him and for us! He's on a steady diet of teething tablets, baby Tylenol and baby oragel at night. I give him ice to chew on in his mesh feeder and Sophie the Giraffe is always within arms reach. It has seemed to get worse the last week or so with Dominic waking earlier at night and not napping as soundly. It's hard to believe he's going to be 8 months old in less than 2 weeks and we still haven't seen teeth! It just breaks my heart to see him uncomfortable.
I get asked all the time if Dominic is crawling yet. The answer is no. He isn't a huge fan of being on his belly so it's hard to try and get him to all 4's. He does, however as I found out this morning-scoot on his bottom to get places. And quite speedily may I add. Part of me thinks he is going to skip crawling altogether and just walk when he's ready. I really don't mind that he isn't mobile yet...we haven't completely baby proofed and it's nice to not have to chase him around just yet! He is on track developmentally in every way so I am not concerned.
Today is the first day of July, which means it's that much closer to the fall semester starting. I will be taking 3 classes next semester. Anatomy & Physiology II, A&P Lab, and Cross sectional Anatomy. These classes are extremely time consuming and I've managed to schedule them all in 2 days during the week. As afraid as I am to start a new classload (and possibly tarnish my 4.0 cumulative GPA) I am most afraid to put Dominic in some sort of child care. He's definitely going through the stranger/clingy phase. I usually can't walk out of the room without him crying, screaming and reaching for me. I can only imagine what it would be like if I left him for the majority of the day. But the inevitable is approaching quickly....any tips, suggestions, advice?
On an unrelated note.....Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out July 15th!!!!!! Yippee!!! **I wanted to post a few pics but Blogger is being bratty today**
Monday, June 29, 2009
Tuesdays with Lou

Prayer Bear

The other benefit to getting Shaq is his contract expires after this year which would free up enough cap space to sign another younger big name player next summer in a big free agent year. We’ll hopefully have won our first NBA title by next summer and can either keep the team in tact with Shaq or sign a younger all star to replace him. We can also offer Lebron more in salary than any other team can next summer. We live in a global world now and Lebron can be a worldwide icon in Cleveland, Ohio. He doesn’t need to be in a big market to make more money or build his status. Lebron is a hometown guy who will retire a Cavalier. Let’s hope I’m as right on this one as I was on Shaq coming to Cleveland. We’ll find out next summer.
I just wanted to give a quick thank you to the comments from last week about our cell phone dilemma. We’re probably going to stick with Verizon and just keep hoping the I-Phone will eventually be available with Verizon.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday

It's time for another installment of "Show us where you live Friday" hosted by Kelly's Korner. (I would totally insert a link if I knew how! Sorry Kelly!) This week's featured room is the "Master Bedroom." Enjoy your tour!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tuesdays with Lou

Cell Phone Dilemma

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Misc. Monday
Lou & Dominic getting ready for our first family bike ride!
Me, after my first bike ride in MANY MANY years--ugh!
"When are we going again!?"
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Love at first sight.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Show Us Where You Live Friday!

This week on "Kelly's Korner" the featured room is Playrooms/Bonus Rooms/Laundry Rooms. I was excited because we actually have a Bonus room. We recently re-decorated the room to make it a safe playroom for Dominic when he is mobile. What I love most about the room is the fact that there are NO cords in reach for Dominic, there isn't a TV or DVD player that he could reach up and grab. The couch is very soft and the room is open--perfect for playing! :) Thanks for taking a look!
If you've noticed in the other room tours, our decor isn't extremely "girly" and when we decided to paint the walls of this room-I jumped at the chance to have a peaceful purple room!

One of our wedding gifts, from Lou's cousin Nicole and her husband, Jared. Isn't it so neat?! This still needs a black & white photo to replace the colored one.
I'm so proud of this!! I actually bought the large "G" and placed a matted frame around it. You can really see the different levels & shadows in person.
This room is on the first floor of our three story home...I'm planning on spending a lot of the HOT summer down in the coolest room! Thanks for taking a look! :)