We had an action packed weekend-soaking up the beautiful weather! Enjoy some misc. pictures!

We went to Crocker Park in Westlake on Saturday and there was a mechanical zoo exhibit. Dominic wasn't quite sure what to think of this giant gorilla!

We also went to the Rose Garden in Lorain, which is now in full bloom and gorgeous!

Louie & Dominic

I'm learning how to use the delay button on my camera to get a few more family pictures. I have a hard time asking strangers to take a picture for me!

Dominic got a new toy for his 7 month birthday. He loves anything that spins and this toy spins & spins while playing music. He really likes it. He's also figured out that he can kick the toy & spin it

I had to take a picture of this! I guess playing with just his hands isn't fun enough!

Swinging at a new park because the mayflies are too bad near the lake. This swing is lower to the ground and goes much higher--he just loved it!

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