Many of the greatest friendships I had growing up were with softball teammates. One in particular, Kristin, was one of my best. We played ASA/NSA softball together for 4 years and shared so many laughs together. Tonight, I'm heartbroken to be sharing a heavy heart with her.
Kristin has three sons. Two years ago, her and her husband found out that her oldest son, Isaiah was diagnosed with
neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer. He battled for two years with the disease and tonight he passed away. I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to lose your child. Earlier today, hospice came and told the family that Isaiah would most likely not make it through the week. I read her update on the
facebook group for Isaiah and immediately looked over at my little boy--playing with his toys on his
playmat. Right then and there I thanked God that I have him. He's breathing-thank you. He's growing-thank you. He's happy & laughing-thank you. He's healthy-THANK YOU. I will never take a minute of his life for granted.
Everytime I am elbow deep in
poopy diapers I will be thankful. I will be grateful when I hear him wake up 3x a night. I will consider my clothes stained with "spit up" as a medal of accomplishment. I wouldn't want it any other way.
If you are on
facebook-you can connect with their group page... or visit their page here: don't mean to post such a somber post--but I hope within this post it encourages you to take the time out of your day and thank God for what you have. Those little things that you might not
ordinarily be grateful for, but know that your life would not be complete without. I'm sending all my prayers & strength to the Crawford family tonight. I just couldn't imagine. My heart aches.
I am so thankful.