Last week I decided to raise our team goal. We were at $630 last week and I wanted to raise $750 by May 16
th in order to provide a portable wheelchair ramp for someone living with MS. Once again, I was shocked, floored and in awe of the generosity of others! We have, in one week, surpassed our goal and have now raised
$775!!!! In the beginning-I thought $250 was a goal we could accomplish--never did I think that one month into this we'd have such a large amount! This week's superstar was Brett-Great job!! :)

As always, here is the link to our team page. Here you can join our team (it's NOT too late!!), donate or just learn more about Multiple Sclerosis and how we have this great opportunity to walk for those who can't!
I can't seem to say it enough! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!
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