Monday, November 30, 2009
Final Countdown!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Because you can never have enough..
Wakey wakey cupcakey!! I was actually going in to take a picture of him sleeping. By the time the flash went off this is what I got!
"And this one...and this one..and.."Saturday, November 28, 2009
July in Christmas??

I was so close!! :(
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I can't believe it, but I forgot to take ANY pictures! I even made sure before we left the house to grab my camera! I've been slacking lately on pictures but I'm going to make a more conscious effort now.
The poor little guy is battling a nasty cold today as well and combined with very little sleep today-bedtime is a bit rough tonight.
I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving day! We all have so much to be thankful for! :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou

When I was growing up before we ate our Thanksgiving meal we would go around the table and say what we're thankful for. With that in mind and being the eve before Thanksgiving I figure no other time would be more appropriate to list what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'll have to edit my list a bit or this blog post would be ridiculously long as I am very blessed with a fortunate life.
I am thankful I have a job and can provide for my Family, for the roof over our heads, for my Parents, for the delicious Thanksgiving meal prepared by my Mother-in-Law, Wife, and Oma, for my Siblings, for my In-Laws, for the Buckeyes going to the Rose Bowl and beating Michigan, for my Friends, for Bella's latest prognosis and positive outlook, for my I-Phone, for my health & my Families health, and most importantly I am thankful for my beautiful Wife Brooke and Son Dominic. Without them in my life I would be lost.
Update on Bella
Today....the Oncology report did not show Hepatoblastoma. It shows that she has a Germ Cell Tumor. A Germ Cell Tumor feeds off of blood. It is all throughout her body, and most likely in her bone marrow, so they are not going to even do that test. The are going to start treatment immediately, maybe tonight or tomorrow.
The team of doctors said this type of cancer is 100% responsive to Chemotherapy!!!! And the prognosis is excellent considering her age and her strength.
Bellas is still in PICU and will remain on the ventilator for another day or two because this large tumor on her Adrenal gland is pressing up on her lungs and making it difficult for her to the machine is helping her do that to avoid putting her under anymore stress. All her vital signs are great and where they should is just so hard to see her in a comatose state, even though we know this is being done on purpose....
Prayer WORKS!!! I truly believe in the strength of all the prayers out there have helped bring us to this point!! Praise God!!! But keep praying as this is going to be a long difficult road for Bella and her parents and and all of us who love her so much.....
And in your prayers...don't to forget to thank God and praise God for holding our Princess Bella close in His hands!!!
Love, Rita
Monday, November 23, 2009
Teach Me Tuesday
We haven't heard any updates as of 7:45 Monday evening regarding Bella's surgery. I do know that she went in at 5:30. Thank you for all the prayers--keep them coming! :)
Update: They went in and could only get a bit of the tumor on her liver out, they couldn't stop the bleeding and had to close her up. Bella will be in intensive care (she's stable), and they will go in again in a few days. They do not believe it to be neuroblastoma, but another very rare form of liver cancer. I'll await the results of the biopsy. Please keep on praying.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Please Pray for Bella
Our two year old great niece, Bella, went in to the doctor last week because her tummy appeared bigger than normal and was hard. They sent her to a nearby hospital for what they thought was an unexplained enlarged spleen and liver. Once there she was sent by ambulance to Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. While testing they discovered many (some quite large) tumors on her little liver, adrenal gland, spine, and lungs. The doctors believe it may also be in her bones-they are 90% certain that Bella has neuroblastoma, cancer found primarily in infants and children. She will be going in for surgery sometime on Monday and they will be taking out pieces to biopsy and be taking some bone marrow from her hip. At this time they will also be putting a port into her chest to administer medication. A relief to her mother, Rachel, who told me that Bella is really unhappy with the I.V. This poor little girl has also already had one blood transfusion and will receive another one before surgery due to anemia.
I spoke with Rachel this afternoon and she is very positive and has strong Faith, the doctors are also keeping her very informed and are treating them all with the up most care. Rainbow Babies is one of the best children's hospitals in the country and I know Bella is in wonderful, more than capable hands.
Please keep sweet Bella in your thoughts and prayers. Please send strength to her and her family. Thank you!

Here are a few links as well:
Rainbow Babies:
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Go Bucks!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Bloodwork update..
I knew as soon as I saw CBC (Complete Blood Count) on the lab order that there was a chance his White blood cell count would be off because Dominic was battling a small cold. Sure enough-that's what the results showed. Elevated White Blood cell count. I'm almost positive this was due to the virus....but here's the kicker, Dominic needs MORE blood work done once the cold has passed. ::sigh:: I'm pretty sure the lab people are not going to be pleased to see us again. We'll keep you updated once we bring him in!
Oh and GO BUCKS!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Show Us Your Life: Pets!

This week's Show Us Your Life focuses on your pets! Our two dogs, TJ & Sadie were our very first "babies". I got TJ, a Toy Fox Terrier/Chihuahua mix in college and he was always a Mama's boy-growling at any boy that came into the room..until he met Lou. When we first started dating I think Lou knew that he would have to befriend TJ-and began talking him on walks every day. This quickly changed TJ's temperament and he went from my best friend to Man's best friend. He's been a Daddy's boy ever since!

TJ, all dressed up for St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesdays with Lou


Here's my Browns update for the week. THEY SUCK and Mangini needs to go. Quinn didn't do anything impressive on Monday night to make me hopeful he is the QB for the job. Quinn rarely throws down field which is either because he doesn't have time, thinks the receivers are covered, or missed a read. He was clearly not in sync with his receivers which can be attributed to his lack of practice with the 1st team having to split reps with DA. Even though Quinn doesn't turn the ball over as often as DA the lack of first downs and 3 and out with Quinn is almost as bad. Quinn has better football pedigree than DA and needs a chance to prove himself. This weekends game against the Lions will tell a lot. Detroit stinks just as bad as we do so if he can't produce against a sub par team then Quinn may not be the QB of the future for the Browns.
Monday, November 16, 2009
One Year Check Up-and DRAMA!
We waited about 40 minutes and Dominic entertained all the other patients by showing off his walking skills and chatting it up. Once we were called a young, female phlebotomist put on the turnakit to search for a vein. Dominic began screaming & crying-LOUD. Lou was holding him and Dominic was fighting like crazy. Another phlebotomist, the head one I assumed, came in and he held down Dominic's other arm. So picture this-the poor kid is being held down by two strangers, while the female began sticking Dominic with the needle. I watched her go in once, monkey around with it-no blood, go into a different spot-no blood..this happened over and over til she decided to go to the OTHER arm...several pokes there later and the two phlebotomists had to take a break because they were sweating. Are you serious?! Dominic calmed down a bit once they were gone and fell asleep on Lou's chest...then they came back. The female poked Dominic a few more times as I watched the male tightly holding on to Dominic's wrist trying to keep him still. He did comment on how unbelievably strong Dom is! There were now about 8 needle holes in his arms. I had tears welling up in my eyes. FINALLY the male phlebotomist took over and with one more poke, I saw the blood flow...I was so happy, my little boy would be finally able to go home! As we walked out there was a look of relief from not only us but everyone in the waiting room as well. Dominic fell asleep as soon as we got in the car and slept for 2 1/2 hours! Poor baby! His wrists had red finger marks from the male's hands for about 2 hours as well.
On a lighter note, it's Ohio State/M*ch#gan week......GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dominic's 1st Birthday Party
Look who is in the big boy car seat now!
The matching friend Anna made--We call him Buddy, How cute is this!! He's also sitting in the chair made for him from his Grandma & Grandpa Grasso-it matches our living room furniture!