T-Minus 9 Days
In 9 days Dominic will turn One! I'm sure Brooke and I will probably mention the count down a few more times over the next 9 days because we've been looking forward to this day for awhile. It's been such an amazing year full of so many memorable moments. It's also been the fastest year of our lives and from what I hear it will only go faster. As part of our routine every night I read Dominic 3 stories while Brooke prepares his bottle. I know all 3 books by heard by now and will switch it up after his birthday. I guess it was a little
OCD with me to keep going with the same books so I'm excited for the change. Aside from switching stories after he turns One we can also switch from formula to whole milk and from his rear facing car seat to a front facing "big kid" car seat. He's also eating more solid food and getting a little more at each meal. This birthday is more than just a celebration of his first year of life but it's also the beginning of many changes and new things to come. We're so blessed and excited to have Dominic in our lives and couldn't be any happier.

It's obvious
TP hasn't performed as well as we had all hoped this year. I truly think next year will be his break out year. Even though he's a two year starter this year with a lot of games under his belt I think his learning curve is a little longer because he's not a true quarterback. He's an athlete first and a QB second. It doesn't appear he can read defenses very well and often stares down his receiver. Those are things he can improve on over the rest of the season and off-season. The Buckeyes start a rough 3 game stretch starting this Saturday at Penn State, then home against Iowa and then at Michigan to finish the year. We can will all three of those games. Our Offense isn't very good but our Defense is great which should allow us to be competitive. As long as our Offense takes care
of the football we should win out and punch our tickets to the Rose Bowl. Go Bucks!

As soon as the Browns hired Eric
Mangini I knew we were in trouble. Why did we hire a coach who was a proven loser in his last head coaching job? I knew he had sunk our team during training camp by holding a ridiculous QB competition. Are you telling me a head coach in the NFL can't watch enough game film and look at stats from last year and determine which QB should start. Maybe he needed a couple weeks to see them practice live but he certainly didn't need to wait until the week leading up to the first game. He robbed Brady Quinn of snaps with the first team that could have helped a young QB get in sync with his Offense.
Mangini blew that and sunk both Quinn and DA careers for now at least. It also kills me how lifeless
Mangini looks on the sidelines during the games. I want our next coach to exert some emotion during the game. I hope the Browns look to hire
Gruden or
Shanahan or another coach with a proven record after they fire
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